
About Acai

The history of acai berry takes shape from the Amazon River basin in Brazil, where the acai palm tree growing in the northern part of the country bears these fruits in bunches. The acai berry juice, also known as “acai roots,” has been a popular drink of the Native Amazonians since the historical times, which is prepared by extracting the juice from the pulp of the fruit. Acai berry also has a legendary significance amongst the Amazonians, which says that due to the scarcity of food in the region the tribal chief had ordered all the newborns to be killed and so when his daughter Iaca’s child was also killed, she mourned his death and then heard a new palm tree shooting up from the ground and crying. She felt her dead son had come alive in the form of the plant and she died under it, which was named after her as “acai,” the reverse of “Iaca,” whose fruits wiped out hunger in the region. The health benefits of acai berry began to be realized in the 1950s and in the 1960s, the famous Gracie jiu-jitsu family made the concept of “acai and workouts” popular.  Acai was brought to Rio de Janeiro by northern Brazilians in the ‘70s – ‘80s and soon the dish - Acai Bowls Rio Style or "acai na tigela" became popular. In the early ‘80s, the concept of acai berry juice and smoothie grew popular, especially in Rio.

Advantage of  Acai

The multitude of healthy benefits of Acai should not be underestimated. The Acai berry has a load of healthy benefits affecting the whole body. They have the highest nutritional composition of anything you can eat in the world and as a result it can give the body a large number of nutritional requirements that it is typically short on. Many people just don't learn that their body is able to perform under adverse conditions without the nutrition they require, only not in the way it really wants to.
The most significant health benefit of Acai berry is that it reintroduces nutritional elements that the bodies ought to have, but are typically just not present in our diet. Eating more of these nutrients aids the body in functioning the manner it's supposed to. This helps the body to reach a healthy equilibrium.
Acai Berry and Acai Berry Juice can be put into everything from salad dressings, smoothies, even cocktails. It takes some getting acustomed to. It tastes kind of like a combination of chocolate and berry. There are a multitude of ways to incorporate the health advantages of Acai as part of your nutrition plan and the advantages justify the effort. Acai organicly aids in increasing your energy level and your metabolism so your body will use more calories naturally that you will discover helps you to lose weight and helps you to feel a lift in energy. Imagine what you could do if you had a boost in your energy level and a body that not only feels more youthful but appears younger too?
Because of new harvest and import methods it is even easier to get these berry products. Since they are very perishable when they are fresh for much more than about a day the dehydrated form and the juice have become more commonly found as products at health food markets. you will also find some major grocery chains who have started to carry Acai due to its increaed popularity however mostly it is only found in health grocers and web based stores.

Disadvantage of Acai

Lately, people have started to use the acai berry as a good supplement in diet and it is being marketed by many companies. The acai berry is a small, round and black-purple fruit that are native to Central and South America where they are growing in swamps and floodplains. The demand for this fruit has spread rapidly in recent years and in the most cases the acai berry is cultivated for this purpose. These fruit are available only in a few places and companies take this advantage to sell them. The marketers that sell this fruit provide them not just as a whole fruit but also in other forms like instant drink powders, juice, smoothies and even as tablets. Though, acai berry has also got some disadvantages that affect people who are willing to buy this fruit or using them as a supplement during their weight loss.
The marketers who sell this product claim that acai is a kind of "superfood" that helps you to loose weight, strengthens the immune system, increases the energy levels, improves heart health, skin appearance, sexual performance and digestion as well as reduces cholesterol levels.
The good about the acai berry is that there are many healthy foods available on the market today but a lot of them may taste horrible, however, the acai berry is different - it has a nice flavor that tastes like a mix off chocolate and berries so your weight loss process can be more pleasing using them. Acai berries have also been medically proven to have the ingredients to help suppress your appetite and also to increase your health muscle tone.
Apart from all the good that is being said about this magic berry, acai has also got its disadvantages:
-These fruit are only available online (unless you live in the Amazon rainforest) so they are not that easy to get. Also, they lose a lot of their characteristic features during the long way they are being delivered to your home;
-They could cause a weight loss which is unusually fast and can be bad for your health;
-Sometime they can disrupt your sleep (this may occur when you take too much of the acai berries before going to sleep);
-Acai is not some kind of a miracle supplement that can cause you to lose a lot of weight while not incorporating diet and regular exercises during your weight loss.
The acai berry has both the good and the bad things connected with it. It may have a wonderful flavor and a lot of good things that are said about it, but at the same time it can be bad for your health if you don't use them properly. So be careful if you are willing to buy the acia berry and don't let yourself to be cheated by the online marketers.
Acai Juice Benefit

A lot of people amazed why everybody is talking so much about a small little fruit and there is so much big hype for this. Some also called Acai as nature’s perfect food. When you read further you know why these peoples called it like that. Below we have given only few of the health benefits that research has shown you can get from consuming the acai berry.

Acai Berry Increases Energy & Stamina
Woman Exercise In Brazil Jiu-jitsu fighters and soccer players often have a large meal of acai berry pulp before a competition. Do you know Why? You know Acai is a perfect source of nutrition and carbohydrates. But another thing which you don’t know is the high levels of antioxidants in the acai berry. This antioxidants lead to a radical increase in energy levels and stamina. If it was taken on a regular basis, the acai berry builds up the immune system.  This frees up even more energy for other uses.

Acai Berry Fights Cancer & Disease
Free radicals are malicious little fragments that come from pollutants, pesticides, cigarette smoke, etc. They attack the cells in the body, causes diseases, and can even damage DNA. Antioxidants are the body’s fuel for strengthening cells and fighting off free radicals. As you know by now, the acai berry is jam packed with these powerful antioxidants.

Acai Berry Fights Obesity
The acai berry's natural combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, phytosterols, and amino acids work together to help your body function better, process food easier, and burn fat more efficiently. It's one of the best things you can put into your body to keep it healthy. Subsequently, when your body is healthy and well-balanced, it will be much easier for you to reach your perfect weight.

Acai Berry Maintains Good Cholesterol & Fights Heart Disease
The essential fatty acids and antioxidants in the acai berry fight bad cholesterol (LDL) while simultaneously maintaining good cholesterol (HDL) and fighting heart disease. The same fatty acids also aid in the absorbency of necessary vitamins like Vitamin A, E, D, and K.
The acai berry also contains phytosterols, a group of plant phytochemicals that reduce cholesterol absorption in the intestines. Studies show that these plant compounds can reduce cholesterol in humans by up to 15%.

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